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Testicular Cancer

Testicular Cancer

The two testicles make sperm and testosterone. Cancer of the testicles is very treatable.

What are the symptoms of testicular cancer?
The first noticeable symptom may be a lump or swelling in one testicle, possibly leading to one testicle becoming noticeably larger than the other. Monthly self-exams are recommended, especially if there is a family history of testicular cancer. Some men experience breast enlargement because of a change in hormones. Pain in the lower back, scrotum or abdomen can also be a sign.

How is testicular cancer diagnosed?
A physical exam, followed with imaging, such as an ultrasound, MRI, CT scan PET scan or others, and blood test may be done.

What are the treatments for testicular cancer?
In most cases, the affected testicle will be surgically removed. When the cancer has spread or is suspected to have spread, radiation and chemotherapy may be performed. Sometimes a stem cell transplant is done.

What are the risk factors for testicular cancer?
Some of the risk factors include having an undescended testicle or a family or personal history of the disease.

Can a man father children after testicular cancer?
Only one testicle is needed to maintain fertility, but if both testicles are removed, or if chemotherapy or radiation treatments are planned, a man who wants to preserve his ability to father children may bank his sperm before the procedure.

Is it possible to have a testicle implant to replace the removed testicle?
Yes, any man facing removal of a testicle should discuss with his doctor whether he would like to have a prosthetic testicle implanted. It may be possible to implant it during the same surgery when the cancerous testicle is removed.

What are some additional resources for learning about testicular cancer?
If you or your loved one is facing testicular cancer, CalvertHealth has a whole range of services designed to help you so you never take this journey alone. Please talk to your CalvertHealth provider or your Nurse Navigator, or check the service pages for information about treatments, services and support groups.
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