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Visitors & Families

At CalvertHealth, we understand the important role that loved ones can provide in supporting our care team. We continue to update our guidance taking into consideration the health and safety of our employees, as well as our patients and guests.

Beginning Monday, July 1, CalvertHealth has updated its visitation guidance.

Visiting hours are from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. for inpatient units. Please see below for visitation guidelines for specific areas such as Emergency Department, Family Birth Center, Behavioral Health, Surgery Center and Outpatient Departments.             

Approved support persons or visitors, for any patient, should meet the following criteria:

  • Support persons must be over the age of 18
  • Children welcome, no age restriction
  • Healthy without symptoms
  • Wear ID badge after checking with security (please note you must present a photo ID)
  • Use proper infection control practices and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when applicable
  • Follow the directions of staff and abide by the health system’s visitor policy rules

All visitors are allowed to frequent the Coffee Bar, Gift Shop and The Calvert Café. Support Persons may purchase food while in the patient room from the cafeteria; menus are available in patient rooms. For end-of-life care, clinically safe exceptions may be made.

Recognizing that the exchange of information is an essential element of quality patient-and family-centered care, CalvertHealth provides free language services to people whose primary language is not English.

Patients with COVID-19 or suspected of COVID-19 will be allowed one (1) visitor that may go home, but will have limited flow through the hospital. Support Persons must wear the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and follow all directions of the hospital care team. PPE includes gown, gloves, hospital-issued mask and eye protection.

CalvertHealth Medical Center entrances:
Main Entrance: 6 a.m.-9 p.m., Mon-Fri
9 a.m.-9 p.m., Sat-Sun
Please use Emergency Room Entrance after 9 p.m.

Emergency Room: 24/7 Access.

Hospital Visitation: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Patients who have been admitted to the hospital are allowed four (4) visitors at a time in their room; visitors may switch out. One (1) overnight visitor is allowed. Exceptions may be made for patients receiving end-of-life care and minors. Visitors should remain in the patient room at all times except to use the public restroom or for a brief visit to the Gift Shop, Coffee Bar or The Calvert Café. All minors must be supervised by an adult other than the patient. 
Emergency Room: 24 Hour Access
Emergency Room patients are allowed two (2) visitors at a time. Pediatric patients are allowed to have two (2) parents/guardians at a time throughout all care settings.

Visitation for those who are COVID-positive or suspected of having COVID is as follows:

  • COVID-positive patients – no visitation. Patients meeting ADA requirements may have a support person accompany them throughout all care settings.
  • Those in need of COVID testing – no visitation until clinical assessment is complete and patient is determined to be COVID-negative.
  • If a patient transported to the hospital by ambulance is known to be COVID-positive prior to/on arrival – no visitation will be permitted.
  • If the COVID status is unknown, the visitor may remain with the patient until clinical assessment is made.
  • Pediatric patients will be permitted two (2) parent/guardian regardless of COVID status.

Should a patient to the Emergency Room be admitted to the hospital, the visitors will be allowed to accompany the patient to their hospital room provided it is within visitation hours (9 a.m.-9 p.m.). Inpatients are allowed to have (1) approved overnight visitor.

Patients requiring a psychiatric evaluation in the Emergency Department may be permitted visitation after the completion of the evaluation.

Limit personal belongings brought into the hospital. COVID-positive patients or those suspected of COVID are prohibited from bringing any personal items into the facility.
Intensive Care Unit (ICU):
One (1) approved support person, who may stay 24/7. Two (2) visitors allowed at a time, may switch out. End of care and minors are on a case-by-case basis.
Will be allowed four (4) visitors, although only two (2) approved parents/guardians may stay overnight. Parents/ guardians are permitted to bring in outside food provided it is not shared with the patient. Parents or Guardians may visit the Gift Shop, Coffee Bar or The Calvert Café.  
Family Birth Center: Antepartum, Labor & Delivery and Postpartum:
Labor & Delivery Unit
Two (2) approved visitors for expectant mothers while patient is in Labor & Delivery. Visitors may switch out. No visitors under the age of 13.

Postpartum Unit
Once patient has been transferred to the Postpartum unit, three (3) approved visitors are allowed, (1) visitor being the support person for the duration of their stay. Visitors may switch out. Only the designated support person is permitted to stay overnight. No visitors under the age of 13, with the exception of siblings who are allowed visitation post-delivery on the postpartum unit during normal visiting hours (9 a.m.-9 p.m.).

Visitors and Support Persons may visit The Calvert Cafe, Coffee Bar or Gift Shop.

Antepartum Unit
One (1) visitor may accompany an expectant mother for outpatient services performed at the Family Birth Center, such as a non-stress test (NST).
Behavioral Health Unit:
Two (2) parents or guardians allowed for adolescents - 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. M-F and 2-3:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

Adult inpatients may have two (2) approved visitor per day - 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. M-F and 2-3:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

  • Visitors must have patient and/or parental authorization.
  • No visitors under the age of 13 are permitted unless approved by the Director/Treatment Team
  • All minor (ages 13-17) visitors must be accompanied by an adult (Unless indicated by Team)
  • No food or drink to be brought into the unit
  • All visitors are subject to a search
  • Visitation should take place in the general milieu. Visitors are not permitted in private bedrooms, unless otherwise clinically indicated by treating provider.

*Due to the programmatic structure within the Behavioral Health Unit, patients are generally engaged in classes or groups during the daytime hours. Treatment Plans may be modified to accommodate therapeutic visitation as agreed upon by the patient and treating provider.
Surgery Center:
Two (2) visitors may accompany the patient for registration and the duration of the procedure. Only one (1) visitor may accompany patient back for the preoperative process.

Once the patient is taken back for surgery, the visitors can remain in the waiting area and is permitted to visit The Calvert Café, Coffee Bar and Gift Shop.
Outpatient Departments:
One (1) visitor/guardian to assist patient to their appointment is allowed.

Please click here for more information on CalvertHealth Medical Group visitation information.

Any visitor unable to abide by the medical center’s visitor policy or follow the directions of staff will be asked to leave.
Visitor restrictions are subject to change. CalvertHealth acknowledges that this policy may cause some inconvenience for any patients and their family members; however, patient safety and the overall health of the community is the health system’s top priority.

Visitor Badge System

Why is CalvertHealth using the photo ID visitor badge system?

The new visitor photo ID system enhances our current building security measures. This system is currently being used at many of the leading hospitals across the United States, and it has proved to be very effective.

Who needs a photo ID badge?
Everyone who accompanies or visits a patient in CalvertHealth Medical Center must show a valid photo ID in order to receive a visitor photo ID badge. Staff members, volunteers and clinical students will continue to use their hospital photo ID. A new photo will be taken each time a badge is issued. 

  • Photo ID badges must be worn and visible by all persons including patient visitors, outpatients coming in for an appointment, vendors, contractors, students and any other non-CalvertHealth personnel.
  • Physicians, employees, volunteers and clinical students who do not have their hospital photo ID must obtain and wear a photo ID badge for the day.

What are acceptable forms of identification?
  • State-issued driver’s license
  • State-issued ID
  • Passport
  • Other government-issued ID
  • School ID
  • Work-company ID with a name (for vendors)

Where will I obtain my photo ID badge?
The photo ID badges are available at two locations:

  • At the reception desk in the main entrance (Mon-Fri) 6 a.m. - 9 p.m., (Sat-Sun) 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.
  • The ER entrance 24-7

What is the process for obtaining my photo ID badge?
  • Step 1: Stop at one of the two reception locations in the CalvertHealth Medical Center. For fastest service, please have your photo ID ready.
  • Step 2: We will print a visitor photo ID badge for you to wear while in the building. The ID badge will identify you as a visitor, vendor, contractor, outpatient, etc. and specify the unit you will have access to and the room number assigned.
  • Step 3: Display your badge to the upper chest area left or right of outer most garment.
Please note a new photo will be required each time a badge is issued. 

Where will my photo ID badge be checked?
You should expect to have your badge checked at all areas of the hospital.

When does my badge expire?
Badges for all visitors are valid only for the day they are issued. Badges will automatically expire when visiting hours are over on the day the badge is issued. Please hand your visitor badge to a security officer at one of the reception desks at the end of your visit.

We continually strive to provide excellent care and an excellent patient and family experience for all who enter CalvertHealth Medical Center. Thank you for supporting our commitment to creating a safe, healing environment. We invite you to share your suggestions, questions and ideas with our staff members.

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